
C H A P T E R 17 Access Policies
Routing Access Policy Commands
Table 17.3 describes the commands used to configure routing
access policies. Press the Tab key in the command line interface for
further command options.
Table 17.3: Routing Access Policy Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure access-profile <access_profile>
add {<seq-number>} {permit | deny}
[ipaddress <ipaddress> <mask> {exact} |
as-path <path_expression> | bgp-
community [internet | no-advertise | no-
export | no-export-subconfed |
<as_no:number> | number <community>]]
Adds an entry to the access profile. The explicit
sequence number, and permit or deny attribute
should be specified if the access profile mode is
none. Specify:
<seq-number>The order of the entry
within the access profile. If no sequence
number is specified, the new entry is added
to the end of the access profile and is
automatically assigned a value of 5 more
than the sequence number of the last entry.
permit | denyPer-entry permit or deny
specification. The per-entry attribute only
takes effect if the access profile mode is
none. Otherwise, the overall access profile
type takes precedence.
<ipaddress> <mask>An IP address and
mask. If the attribute exact is specified
for an entry, then an exact match with
address and mask is performed; subnets
within the address range do not match entry
against entry.
as-pathA regular expression string to
compare with the autonomous system path.
bgp-communityThe BGP community
number in as_no:number format, or as an
unsigned 32-bit integer in decimal format.
The BGP community
internet matches
against all routes, because all routes belong
to the Internet community.