C H A P T E R 11 Enterprise Standby Router Protocol (ESRP)
• show esrp {detail}—Verifies ESRP is enabled and
ESRP Commands
Table 11.1 describes the commands used to configure ESRP.
Press the Tab key in the command line interface for more
command options.
Table 11.1: ESRP Commands
Command Description
configure esrp port-mode [host | normal] ports
<portlist> {dont-count}
Configures the ESRP port mode. A
normal port does not accept or transmit
traffic when the local ESRP device is a
slave. The host port always switches user
traffic, regardless of the ESRP state. The
default setting is normal.
configure vlan <name> add track-diagnostic
failover <priority>
Enables the priority of the diagnostic
configure vlan <name> add track-environment
failover <priority>
Sets the priority of the environmental
configure vlan <name> add track-ping
<ipaddress> frequency <seconds> miss <number>
Configures an ESRP-enabled VLAN to
track an external gateway using ping. The
switch will not be the ESRP master of the
VLAN if the external gateway is not
configure vlan <name> add track-iproute
Configures an ESRP-enabled VLAN to
track the condition of a route entry in the
kernel route table. The switch cannot be
the ESRP master if none of the specified
routes are reachable.
configure vlan <name> add track-vlan
Configures an ESRP-enabled VLAN to
track the condition of another VLAN.