C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
login: admin
Administrator capabilities enable you to access all switch
functions. The default user names have no passwords assigned.
4. If you have been assigned a user name and password with admin-
istrator privileges, enter them at the login prompt and press Enter.
When you have successfully logged in, the command-line
prompt displays the name of the switch.
5. Assign an IP address and subnetwork mask for the default VLAN
using this command:
configure vlan <name> ipaddress <ipaddress>
For example:
configure vlan default ipaddress
Your changes take effect immediately.
Generally, when configuring any IP addresses for the switch,
you can express a subnet mask using dotted decimal notation, or
classless inter-domain routing notation (CIDR).
CIDR uses a forward slash plus the number of bits in the subnet
mask. Using CIDR notation, the command identical to the one
above would be:
configure vlan default ipaddress
6. Configure the default route for the switch using this command:
configure iproute add default <gateway>
For example:
configure iproute add default
7. Save your configuration changes so that they are in effect after the
next switch reboot, using this command.
8. Log out of the switch using the command:
logout or quit