
C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
enable ospf export [bgp | i-bgp | e-bgp] [[cost
<metric> [ase-type-1 | ase-type-2] {tag <number>}
| <route map>]
enable ospf export vip [[cost <metric> [ase-type-1
| ase-type-2] {tag <number>} | <route map>]
BGP and OSPF Route Map Support for Tagging
The 480T routing switch has route map support for BGP and OSPF
tagging. This allows you to redistribute OSPF routes from the
kernel routing table to BGP, or BGP routes to OSPF.
Use this command to enable tagging:
configure route-map <route-map> <sequence number>
[add | delete] match [nlri-list <access-profile> |
as-path [access-profile <access-profile> | <as no>]
| community [access-profile <access-profile> | <as
no>: <number> | number <community> | no-advertise
| no-export | no-export-subconfed] | next-hop <ip
address> | med <number> | origin [igp | egp |
incomplete] | tag <number>]
BGP and OSPF Route Map Support for DSB
The 480T routing switch also offers route map support for BGP and
OSPF accounting. This allows you to set the cost and type of the
exported routes.
Use this command to enable accounting:
configure route-map <route-map> <sequence number>
[add | delete] set [as-path <as no> | community
[[access-profile <access-profile> | <as no>:
<number> | number <community> | no-advertise | no-
export | no-export-subconfed] | remove | [add |
delete] [access-profile <access-profile> | <as no>:
<number> | number <community> | no-advertise | no-
export | no-export-subconfed]] | next-hop <ip
address> | med <number> | local-preference
<number> | weight <number> | origin [igp | egp |
incomplete] | tag <number> | accounting index
<number> value <number> | cost <number> | cost-
type [ase-type-1 | ase-type-2]]