C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
Prompt Text
The prompt text is taken from the SNMP sysname setting (see
Table 5.8, “SNMP Configuration Commands,” on page 64). The
number that follows the colon indicates the sequential line/
command number.
If an asterisk (*) appears in front of the command-line prompt, it
indicates that you have configuration changes that have not been
saved. For example:
Default Accounts
The switch is configured with two default accounts. as shown in
Table 5.4.
Changing the Default Password
Default accounts do not have passwords assigned to them. User-
assigned passwords must be between 0 and 32 characters.
Passwords are case
To add a password to the default admin account:
1. Log in to the switch using the name admin.
2. At the password prompt, press Enter.
3. Enter this command:
configure account admin
Table 5.4: Default Accounts
Account Name Access Level
admin This user can access and change all
manageable parameters. The admin account
cannot be deleted.
user This user can view (but not change) almost
all manageable parameters. However, this
user cannot view the user account database
or the SNMP community strings.