
C H A P T E R 6 Intel
NetStructure 480T Routing Switch User Guide
To define a load-sharing group, you assign a group of ports to a
single, logical port number. To enable or disable a load-sharing
group, use these commands:
enable sharing <port> grouping <portlist>
{algorithm [port-based | address-based | round-
disable sharing <port>
Load-Sharing Example
Do not disable a port that
is part of a load-sharing
group. Disabling the port
prevents it from forwarding
traffic, but still allows the
link to initialize. As a
result, a partner switch
does not receive a valid
indication that the port is
not in a forwarding state,
and the partner switch will
continue to forward
This example defines a load-sharing group that uses ports 9-12, and
assigns the first port in the group as the master logical port 9:
enable sharing 9 grouping 9-12
In this example, logical port 9 represents physical ports 9
through 12.
Always reference the master logical port of the load-sharing group
(port 9 in the previous example) when configuring or viewing
VLANs. VLANs configured to use other ports in the load-sharing
group will have those ports deleted from the VLAN when load
sharing becomes enabled.
Verifying the Load Sharing Configuration
The show ports configuration command shows whether or not
the ports are load sharing and shows the master logical port identity.
Port Commands
Table 6.1 describes the port commands. For further command
options, press the Tab key in the command line interface.