C H A P T E R 10 Quality of Service (QoS)
Table 10.11 describes the commands used to configure DiffServ.
For further command options, press the Tab key in the command
line interface.
Table 10.11: DiffServ Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure diffserv examination code-point
<code-point> qosprofile <qosprofile> ports
Configures the default ingress DiffServ code
points to QoS profile mapping. The <code-
point> is a 6-bit value in the IP-TOS byte in
the IP header. You can specify up to 64 different
code points for each port.
configure diffserv replacement priority vpri
<number> code-point <code-point> ports
Configures the default egress DiffServ
replacement mapping.
disable diffserv examination ports
[<portlist> | all]
Disables the examination of the DiffServ field
in an IP packet.
disable diffserv replacement ports
[<portlist> | all]
Disables the replacement of DiffServ code
points in packets transmitted by the switch.
enable diffserv examination ports
[<portlist> | all]
Enables the DiffServ field of an ingress IP
packet to be examined by the switch in order to
select a QoS profile. The default setting is
enable diffserv replacement ports
[<portlist> | all]
Enables the DiffServ code point to be
overwritten in packets transmitted by the
switch. Eight user-defined code points can be
configured on each port. The 802.1p priority
bits (3-bits) are used to select one of the eight
code points. The default setting is disabled.
unconfigure diffserv examination ports
Removes the DiffServ examination code point
from a port.
unconfigure diffserv replacement ports
Removes the DiffServ replacement mapping
from a port.