
NetStructure 480T Routing Switch User Guide
IPX/RIP is automatically enabled when a NetID is assigned to the
VLAN. To remove the advertisement of an IPX VLAN, use the
configure ipxrip delete {vlan <name> | all}
GNS Support
The 480T routing switch supports the Get Nearest Server (GNS)
reply function. When a NetID is assigned to the switch, the GNS
reply service is automatically enabled. When a station requests a
particular service on the network (for example, locating a print
server), the station sends a GNS request and the switch responds to
the request. If GNS-reply is disabled, the switch drops the request.
To disable GNS-reply, use this command:
disable ipxsap gns-reply {vlan <name>}
Routing SAP Advertisements
The 480T routing switch contains an IPX Service Table, and
propagates SAP advertisements to other IPX routers on the
network. Each SAP advertisement contains:
Service type
Server name
Server NetID
Server node address
The service information is entered into the IPX Service Table in one
of two ways:
Dynamically, through SAP
Statically, using this command:
configure ipxservice add <service_type>
<service_name> <netid> <node_address> <socket>