
C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
SNTP Configuration Commands
Table 5.12 describes Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
configuration commands. Press the Tab key in the command line
interface for more command options.
SNTP Example
In this example, the 480T routing switch queries a specific NTP
server and a backup NTP server. An update occurs every 20
minutes. The commands to configure the switch are:
configure timezone -480 autodst
configure sntp-client update interval 1200
enable sntp-client
configure sntp-client primary server
configure sntp-client secondary server
Table 5.12: SNTP Configuration Commands
Command Description
configure sntp-client [primary | secondary]
server [<ipaddress> | <host_name>]
Configures an NTP server for the switch to
obtain time information. Queries are first sent
to the primary server. If the primary server
does not respond within 1 second, or if it is
not synchronized, the switch queries the
second server.
configure sntp-client update-interval
Configures the interval between polling for
time information from SNTP servers. The
default setting is
disable sntp-client Disables SNTP client functions.
enable sntp-client Enables SNTP client functions.
show sntp-client Displays configuration and statistics for the
SNTP client.