
C H A P T E R 12 IP Unicast Routing
configure iproute add blackhole <ipaddress>
Adds a blackhole address to the routing
table. All traffic destined for the configured IP
address is dropped, and no Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) message is
configure iproute add default <gateway>
Adds a default gateway to the routing table. A
default gateway must be located on a
configured IP interface. If no metric is
specified, the default metric of 1 is used. Use
the unicast-only or multicast-only options to
specify a particular traffic type. If not
specified, both unicast and multicast traffic
use the default route.
configure iproute delete <ipaddress> <mask>
Deletes a static address from the routing table.
configure iproute delete blackhole
<ipaddress> <mask>
Deletes a blackhole address from the
routing table.
configure iproute delete default <gateway> Deletes a default gateway from the routing
configure iproute priority [rip | bootp | icmp |
static | ospf-intra | ospf-inter | e-bgp | i-bgp |
ospf-extern1 | ospf-extern2] <priority>
Changes the priority for all routes coming
from a particular route origin.
disable iproute sharing Disables load sharing for multiple routes.
enable iproute sharing Enables load sharing if multiple routes to the
same destination are available. Only paths
with the same lowest cost are shared. The
default setting is disabled.
rtlookup [<ipaddress> | <hostname>] Performs a look-up in the route table to
determine the best route to reach an IP
Table 12.5: Route Table Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description