
NetStructure 480T Routing Switch User Guide
create vlan sales
configure sales add port 1-3
configure sales ipaddr
create vlan eng
configure eng add port 1,4
configure eng ipaddr
enable esrp sales
enable esrp eng
configure eng esrp priority 5
Displaying ESRP Information
To verify the operational state of an ESRP VLAN and the state of
its neighbor, use this command:
show esrp
To view tracking information about a particular VLAN, including
the VLANs tracked by it and a list of the VLANs tracking it, use this
show vlan
ESRP Environment and Diagnostic Tracking
ESRP is capable of tracking hardware status. If a power supply or
fan fails, or if the chassis overheats, the priority for the ESRP
VLAN will change to the failover settings..
To configure the failover priority for ESRP VLANs, you must first
assign a priority to each ESRP VLAN, using this command:
configure vlan <vlan name> esrp priority
If you set the priority to
255, the ESRP VLAN will
remain in standby mode
even if the master ESRP
VLAN fails. This is a
special case.
The range of the priority value is 0 to 254; a higher number has
higher priority. The default priority setting is 0.
You typically configure both ESRP VLANs with the same priority.
Next, you must give the priority flag precedence over the active
ports count, which has precedence by default, using this command:
configure vlan <vlan name> esrp esrp-election
Since the priority of both VLANs are set equal, ESRP uses the
active ports count to determine the master ESRP VLAN.