NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
In Figure 18.3, the 480T routing switch is configured to balance all
traffic sent to the VIP based on the client IP address.
All servers have the same:
• MAC address
• IP address
• Content
The commands used to configure the switch, as indicated in the
example are:
create vlan server
create vlan client
configure srvr ipaddress /24
configure clnt ipaddress /24
configure srvr add port 4-8
configure clnt add port 1-4
enable slb gogo 4 grouping 4-8
enable ipforwarding
Separating clients and servers into separate VLANs is not a
requirement in GoGo mode.
VIP Network Advertisement
There are three methods for controlling network connectivity to the
VIPs. Depending on the subnet to which the VIP belongs, the 480T
routing switch will adjust its behavior automatically.
• Proxy ARP - If the VIP is a member of an existing subnet to
which the switch is directly attached, the switch responds to ARP
requests on behalf of the VIP. This allows you to implement
server load balancing on a Layer 2 network. The VLAN
containing the servers is a different subnet than the client VLAN’s
subnet. The VIP appears as a member of the client subnet.
• Host-Route - If the VIP created is not a member of an existing
subnet that the switch is directly attached to, a host-route entry is
added to the routing table for the switch. All clients will need to
have a routed path to the VIP that points to the switch’s IP address
on the client VLAN.