
NetStructure 480T Routing Switch User Guide
You can enter and update entries using a MIB browser, an SNMP
Network Manager, or the command line interface (CLI).
Associating a QoS Profile with an FDB Entry
The switch applies the
QoS profile as soon as the
FDB entry is learned.
You can associate a QoS profile with a MAC address (and VLAN)
of a device that is dynamically learned. The FDB treats the entry
like a dynamic entry (it is learned, it can be aged out of the database,
and so on).
Configuring FDB Entries
To configure entries in the FDB, use the commands listed in
Table 8.1. For further command options, press the Tab key in the
command line interface.
Table 8.1: FDB Configuration Commands
Command Description
create fdbentry <mac_address> vlan
<name> [blackhole | ports [<portlist> |
all] | dynamic] {qosprofile <qosprofile>}
Creates an FDB entry. Specify:
mac_addressDevice MAC address, using
bytes separated by colons.
nameVLAN associated with MAC address.
blackholeConfigures the MAC address as a
blackhole entry.
portlistPort numbers associated with
MAC address.
dynamicSpecifies that the entry is learned
dynamically. Used to associate a QoS profile
with a dynamically learned entry.
qosprofileQoS profile associated with
MAC address.
If more than one port number is associated with a
permanent MAC entry, packets are multicast to the
multiple destinations.