C H A P T E R 5 Accessing the Switch
configure snmp community [readonly |
readwrite] {encrypted} <string>
Adds an SNMP read or read/write community
string. The default
readonly community
string is
public. The default readwrite
community string is
private. Each
community string can have a maximum of
127 characters, and can be enclosed by double
quotation marks.
configure snmp delete trapreceiver
[<ip_address> community <string> | all]
Deletes the IP address of a specified trap
receiver or all authorized trap receivers.
configure snmp syscontact <string> Configures the name of the system contact. A
maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
configure snmp syslocation <string> Configures the location of the switch. A
maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
configure snmp sysname <string> Configures the name of the switch. A
maximum of 32 characters is allowed. The
default sysname is the model name of the
device (for example,
switch480T). The
sysname appears in the switch prompt.
disable snmp access Disables SNMP access on the switch.
Disabling SNMP access does not affect the
SNMP configuration (for example,
community strings).
disable snmp traps Prevents SNMP traps from being sent from
the switch. This does not clear the SNMP trap
receivers that have been configured.
enable snmp access Enables SNMP support.
enable snmp traps Enables SNMP trap support.
unconfigure management Restores default values to all SNMP-related
Table 5.8: SNMP Configuration Commands (continued)
Command Description