6. GUI orientation
Image 6-16
Input connector colors
Not assigned and no input signal is de tected
Not assigned to any Source or an input, but a signal has been detected
Assigned to a source or an input and an input signal is detected
Assigned to a source or an input, but an input signal is not detected
Input configuration menu description
Input configuration menu is accessed by clicking on the Input tab.
This menu provides:
• A list of all the inputs already created on the system (e.g. Input1)
• A button to automatically allocate all unassigned input conn ectors
to an input.
• A button to manually allocate connectors to an input.
• A button to delete unused or obsolete inputs.
How to Auto create Inputs
The “Auto Create Inputs” button automatically allocates all unassigned input connectors to an input. Input connectors that are already
assigned to an input will not be affected. If the button is pressed in the beginning, before any configurations are created, 28 input
config urations will be automatically assigned. Input1 contains the input connector on the 1st input card in slot 1, e tc. The software
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