9. General operation example
Image 9-8
Note: The “N/A” at this end refers to the destinations that will be added next.
C5 – Part1: Add Site Screen Destinations
In this section we will create the Site Screen Destination and assign two layers.
1. Click on the Destination tabtodefine destinations for the cr eat
ed outputs.
2. From the diagram area click on the first BNC o f slot 13 that is the Site Projector output connector. The BNC will be highlighted.
3. Click o n the +Add Screen Destination blue button to assign the output for the screen destination.
4. When the destination is created a box appears next to the E2 diagram.
5. Double click on the Destination1 area in the Name list to edit the name.
6. When the area turns blue, click the eraser icon to clear the field and type a new name, “Site S creen ”.
7. Click on the top at the Adjust:Site Screen tab and in the Assign menu under the Output s ection click on the +Assign Layer to
Destination blue button to as sign a layer to the destination .
8. In the layout area “1 layer” will appear in the green area of the box.
9. Repeat the previous s tep to add one more layer.
C5 – Part2: Add Main Screen Destinations
In this section we will create t he Main Sc reen Destinations and assign 3 layers.
1. To create the M ain Screen destination, please repeat steps 2 thru 6 of the p revious stage (C5–Part1) by first clicking on the
“Main-Left Projector” BNC.
2. Rename the destination to “Main Screen”.
3. After the des tination is created, click on the “Main-Right Projector” BNC and drag it into the “Main Screen” destination box. The
Screen size will immediately change to 3840x1080.
4. Repeat the same steps as above to add layer to the destination b ut c lick the add button 3-times to add 3 layers.
C5 – Part3: adjust the projector overlap in Main Screen destinations
In this section we will adjust the projector overlap area for the Main sc reen.
1. Under the Wide menu in the small diagram area shows the destination, click on the line between the two sites. The line turns
2. Click on the Da ta Double button and enter “100” for the H ov erlap value. Note: We will leave the feathering to the default value
of 2.2.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014