6. GUI orientation
click in the “x” on the right hand side in the destination configuration list.
Image 6-29
destination(s) is imm ediately outlined in red.
3. The deletion is c ompleted by clicking the Delete S elected button.
Any ou tput can b e deleted from a destination at any time. For example, if the output that is automatically
assigned to a destination is not the desired one, then it can be deleted.
All destinations can be deleted the same time by clicking the “Select All” button.
How to access to the Destination configuration adjustments
Adjustments to Destinations are performed in the “Adjust” panel:
1. Select the des tination from the configuration list
clicking o n the graphic representation the destination in the Diagram area.
A Destination is s elected.
2. Click on the Adjust tab that is on the top of the Adjustment ar ea.
Image 6-30
The Destination adjustment panel is displayed.
Destination adjustment panel description
The Destination adjustment panel is divided in three sections:
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