6. GUI orientation
Image 6-31
Color adjustment submenu
The Output Effects Submenu adjusts color variable of the output image, s uch as contrast and brightness, saturation, hue and gamma
• The RGB Contrast and Brightness settings are adjustable
within a range of 0% to 200%. T he default setting for all
of these prop erties is 100%.
• Hue is adjustable within a range of -180 to +180 degrees.
The default setting is 0 degrees.
• Saturation is adjustable within a r ange of 0% to 200%. T he
default setting is 0%.
• Reset changes all values to their default settings.
• Gamma is adjustable within a range of 0 .3 to 3.28. The
default setting is 1.0.
Wide (screen) menu
In this menu, the user ca
n turn on the projector alignment test pattern, adjust the data-doubling and feathering parameters nece ssary
to setup a wide blended sc reen. Thes e actions can be performed simultaneously on all screens by clicking the “ Select All” button.
Actions between adjacent screens c an be performed by clicking the border between the adjacent screens.
Data-Doubling submenu
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014