5. Front Panel Menu orientation
5.3 Using menu system
This section describes the conventions for using the E2’s menu s ystem. For reference, the following illustration shows the System
Image 5-3
System menu
The E2’s display screen is four lines high. Throughout this chapter, entire m enus are shown for ease of ref-
erence, unless otherwise noted.
Please note the following important menu rules and c onventions:
• The top line names the current m enu, in upper-case letters.
• Subsequent lines typically display two fields:
-Forafunction, the left-hand field names the function. The right-hand field shows the function’s current parameter (or value).
In the preceding illustration, Black Invalid is a function and On is its current value.
-Forasubmenu, the left-hand field names the submenu that you c an access. The right-hand field displays a double arrow
(>>), indicating that a submenu is available. In the preceding illustration, USB Backup/Restore and Ethernet are two of
the available submenu s. To use a submenu, scroll to it and pres s SEL. Then scroll through the list that appears.
-Thenavigation cursor (>) in the left-hand column indicates the current line on which you can take action. This arrow moves
as you rotate the ADJUST k nob on the front panel. When you reach a n editable field and pr ess SEL, the navigation cursor
changes to an edit cursor (#).
Making a menu selection
To select a menu item, use t he ADJUST knob to scroll to the item, then pr ess the SEL button on the front panel:
• To scroll through a menu:
- Turn the ADJUST knob c ounter-clockwise to scroll down.
- Turn the ADJUST knob clockwise to scroll up.
• To open a submenu, scroll to the submenu line and press SEL.
• To change a parameter, scroll to the desired line an d press SEL. The navigation cursor changes to the edit cursor. Use the
ADJUST knob to modify the value:
- Turn the AD JUST knob clockwise to increase a value.
- Turn the ADJUST knob counter-clockwise to dec rease a value.
• Then press SEL to accept a parameter or value. The e dit cursor changes back to the nav igation c ursor.
Yo u must press SEL to accept the value.
Throughout this user’s guide, the t erm “select” is used as an abbreviation for “scroll to a menu line and press
Example: Select the E thernet menu to begin configur
ing network settings.
Exiting a menu
• In the edit mode (i.e., the edit cursor is v isible), press ESC to exit a menu without changing the original parameter.
• To navigate back up the menu structure, press ESC again. Each press takes you bac k up the menu tree by one level.
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