6. GUI orientation
Output adjustment panel > Connector Menu
• SDI type (available with S DI connector type) : allows to
choose between Single link or Dual link connection ( Dual
link: single image stream split between the two cables).
• DVI Sync (available with HDMI connector type) : Adjusts
the sync polarity of the H and V sy nc signals.
• Color/Sample/Bit: Adjust s the color space (RGB or
SMPTE), s ampling rate (4:4:4 or 4:2:2) and bit depth o f th e
output signal.
• HDCP Mode (available with HDMI connector type):
Provides Status of the HDCP compliance.
• Connector Mapping: If more than one output connector are
part of the output configuration, as in a blended widescreen
screen, then the connector mapping menu appears. From
this m enu the user can select the appropriate c onnector
horizontal and vertical arrangement (see default mapping
explanations below).
Connector Mapping Defaults:
• In a two connector, 2x1 horizontal configuration: The left
side of the screen is fed b y the top or most left connector;
• In a two connector, 2x1 vertical configuration: The top
screen is fed by the top or most left connector.
• In a 4 conn ector, the default is a 2x2 grid. The top left input
is the left most or top most connector. The bottom left is the
next one, the top right is next, and the bottom right is next.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014