6. GUI orientation
6.10 Configuration Menu > System modifier area
General parameters co ncerning the selected system are accessible on this area. T he user can s elect the system’s native rate and
mode (2K/Dual Link/4) and genlock mode.
Image 6-13
Modifier area
• Mode: System wide mode for what kind of Inputs / Layers / AUX Destinations can be made : 2K / DL / 4K
- Based on the selected mode , this is the defau lt Layer size that will be added to the Sc reen Des tinations
- If the s elected system mode conflicts with the existing destination mode, a message will appear warning that e xisting layer
assignments w ill be deleted and requesting for verification to continue
- Aux Destinations are not affected by this mode
• Native rate: S ystem native rate in Hz (Cycles in second). Available s elections:
23.98 30 59.94
24 47.95 60
25 48
29.97 50
• Genlock mode: Selects the system genlock m ode to Freerun or Lock to External
• Genlock Status: Reports the s ystem’s genlock mode status: Loc ked or not Loc ked
• H Offset and V Offset: Adjusts the pixels and lines that the internally generated genlock signal is offset from the external signal.
This adjustment is only enabled when Genlock m ode is set “Lock to E xternal”
• Master VP: Reports the units IP address
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