6. GUI orientation
6.11 Con figuration Menu > Adjustment area
Situated on the right hand s ide of the screen is t he Adjustment area. In this area the user c an define and adjust unit s pecific param-
eters, inputs, backgrounds, outputs and destination affected to the s elected system.
There are 4 tabs in this area:
• Input: this tab provides a list of all the created inputs. Here the user can create
new entries by associating them with input connec tors. It is also in this tab that
the us er can delete unused or obsolete inputs.
• Background: provides a list of backgroun ds of the selected system . S imilarly to
inputs, the user can add and remove Backgrounds from the system.
• Output: the use r can add or remove outputs in this list.
• Destination: a destination is a location where the user can route the output of E2
(screens, multiple screens, m onitors etc.). The user could assign the outputs that
are created in the previous tab to Destinations, and deleted unused or obsolete
Always on top:
• Adjustment: in this tab the user performs adjustments available for the selected
item (device, input, background, output, destination). T he content of this tab
varies depending on the selected item. Ac cess to this area is achieved from the
System diagram area (click on device or on a destination) or in one of the tabs of
the A djustment area (input, background, output, destination) .
The following sections describe how to perform the configuration of each part of the system in detail:
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustment > Unit Configuration", page 83
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustment > Input Configuration", page 84
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustment > Background C onfiguration", page 91
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustment > Output Configuration", page 92
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustment > Destination Configuration", page 99
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