6. GUI orientation
Preview transitions to Program according at the rate indicated in the rate box following the s-curve patte rn. The layer on P rogram
does NOT fade in preview at the same time. Th e lay er on Program app ears in Preview when the transition is completed.
Instantly transitions the Preview to Program
Enables move s for selected that have one or more keyframes. Move rate is determined in the layer adjustment panel.
Four transition types are available: Linear, S-Curve, Log arithmic and Expo nential
Image 6-52
Miscellaneous operations
Image 6-53
Freezes the input source that is displayed in the layer. The layer can still be positioned and sized within the destination. The input
source into the layer can also be changed to a new input. The text of a frozen layer turns blue and a “freeze” icon (snowflak e)
appears on the bottom right corner.
Positions the layer in the center of the des tination. Vertical size is set to 500 pixels and horizontal size is set to maintain the layer’s
aspect ratio.
Removes the selected layer from preview. If the selec ted layer is on program, this button is disabled.
Enables the sources to toggle back a nd forth with each trans ition.
• Toggle on: After a transition is performed, a different source can be selected for p review. Once the first source transitions off
Program, it “flip-flops” to Preview. Subsequent transitions alternate between sources. Another new source ca n also be selected
in Pr eview, and as long as Toggle is on, the last two selected so urces will alternate.
• Toggle off: The source selected in Preview stays in P rev iew, once the transition is complete. Here, sources must be changed
manually. If the PIP in Preview has a different source than the PIP in Program, the moment Toggle is turned off, the PIP in
Preview automatically changes its source to match Program.
Select All / Uns elect All
• Select All: Selects all Layers in P review. It is equivalent to left clicking on all unselected layers on Preview one at a time to
select them. Only selected layers on Destinations that are armed.
• Unselect All: Unselects all Layers in Preview. It is equivalent left click ing on all selected layers on Preview one at a time to
unselect them. Only unselect layers on D estinations that are a rmed.
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