6. GUI orientation
Image 6-40
Next a source from the Input panel on the left hand side can be dragged into the layer.
Image 6-41
Alternatively, an Input or a source can be dragged into the Preview screen directly as long as there are available layers.
Image 6-42
If the ava ilable layer is already in Preview, then the source will immediately be assigned to that layer. The layer will b e resized
automatically to match the s ource aspect ratio.
If a layer is available
but it hasn’t been placed into the preview screen, then the software will automatically place the layer in the
position where the Source was dropped and allocate the lowest unassigned layer to the source. The source and layer must also
comply with the sizing rule that is explained next.
Rules for ass igning Sources into layers
The s ize of the layer has to be greater or equal to the size of the source. For example, if the source is a 2K input, the layer needs
to be 2K or more. If the source is a 4K and the layer is only a 2K layer, then the source can’t be placed into the Layer. If the Source
is a 2K input and the layer is a 4K layer, the source can be place d into the Layer.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014