3. General
3.5 Presentation System overview
Advanced video processing
The E2 Presentation System is the most advanced video processing and presentation con trol system on the market today. The sys-
tem provides source selection, windowing, seamless switching, video effects and integrated c ontrol for professional presentations.
E2’s modular, scalable architecture allows the system to support a wide variety of show config urations.
A word about Layers
A layer is an image display elem ent stacked on top of another or a background. W ithin the E2 system, each mixer has two layers,
A and B, and one Background layer. For complete flexibility, each layer can be assigned t o either PIP or Key functionality.
The Background layer has the lowest priority. An y input or inputs can be used as a background. This layer visually appears behind
all other PIPs an d keys. The system can transition between two background sources.
PIP layer appears ov er backgrounds and under other layers of higher priority. PIP effects include mixes, smooth moves, resizing,
adjustable aspect ratio, borders and drop shadows.
Key lay er also appears over backgrounds and under other layers of higher priority. Key effects include lum inance keys, split keys
(key a lpha or fill), invert keys and chroma keys (future release).
Image 3-1
A word about Destinations
Destination is a location wher e the us er assigns the outputs.
We can c onsider three destination types:
• Single/Multiple S creen Destination (e.g. one or more projectors)
• AUX Destination (e.g. a monitor dedicated f
or camera adjustments)
• An external processor Destination (e.g. ImagePRO-II).
There several rules that apply when defining an Destination c onfigura tion. F or details on des tination setup procedures, please refer
to the chapter "Configuration Menu > A djustment > Destination Configuration", page 99.
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