3. General
3.4 Control overview
There are four ways to control the E2:
• Front Panel
• Event M aster Control Software (EM GUI) running on Windows 7 PC or Mac with OS X
• Web interface running from E2
• E2 Controller *
(*) Available in 2015
Front Panel
The E2 front panel includes a power switch, a USB port and a d im mable display that works in conjugation with the ADJUST knob
and SEL and ESC buttons. Through the front panel menus you can perform basic system functions such as factory rese t,
network parameters and basic diagnostics. A front-panel USB port is provided for down loading and restoring logo images and
system configurations. Refer to the chapter "Front panel", page 30 for more information about the E2 ’s Front panel menus.
Event Master Control Software (EM GUI)
Event Master Control Software is an e asy to use GUI running on a PC or MAC. The software consists of several menus and tabs
that enable you to configure your system, setup the input sources and output destinations, m anage the dedicated multiviewer and
create your presentation’s overall “look”. In addition, since the configuration param eters and presets are stored on the E2 chas sis,
multiple instances of the G UI can be run simultaneously on different computers ex panding the control possibilities. Refer to the
chapter "GUI orientation", page 67 for more information about the GUI. S ubsequently in this User’s Guide, the Event Master Control
Software will be referred as the EM GUI.
An API will be available post release 1 for developers who need to create custom control programs and inter-
Web interface
Via the local network and a computer the us er can access a web page server running on the E2. Basic s ystem functions similar to
the ones available from the front panel menus are accessible through the web page server. Refer to the chapter "Settings Menu",
page 142 for more information about the E 2 Web interface.
E2 Controller
The E2 controller is a dedicated hardware pane l specifically designed to support the E2 . It includes preset buttons and touch screen
displays allowing for easy and direct control of the E2
system .
The E2 controller will be available in 2015.
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