6. GUI orientation
6.28 M ultiviewer (MVR) Menu
E2 includes a dedicated Mu ltiviewer that enables multiple sources (inputs, Backgrounds, outputs) to be displayed on one or two
monitors. Multiviewer Menu is the module used to setup the Multiviewer outputs.
This m enu is accessible by clicking the Multiviewer icon in the m enu bar on the left side of the UI.
The three drop down menus in the title bar s elect the system , unit o r layout displayed in the multiviewer. For r elease one, only one
system and one unit are supported.
The Multiviewer page is divided in four parts.
Image 6-61
1 Resources area Lists the resources available to be displayed in the
Multiviewer: Inputs, Backgrounds an
d Program/Pre view
Destination Outputs.
2 Multiviewer Layout area The two multiviewer outputs are c ompos ed, viewed and
managed individually o r as a group
Modifier area
Alignment adjustments and controls to manage the
multiviewer outputs
4 Adjustment area Color and sizing adjustments for the window s in each PIP.
The following sec tions
describe eac h part of the Multiviewer page in detail:
• "Multiviewer M enu > Resource area", page 135
• "Multiviewer M enu > Multiviewer Layout area", page 136
• "Multiviewer M enu > Modifier area", page 138
• "Multiviewer M enu > Adjustment ar ea", page 139
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014