9. General operation example
9.3 Control Software Operation
In this sec tion we will use the control software (Event Master Control Software) to setup the E2 and create presets and user keys to
be used during the event. We will follow the steps sequentially outlined in diagram bellow.
Workflow Diagram
This diagram shows all the steps necessary to se tup the sys tem.
Image 9-4
Set up from A to Z
As outlined in the previous chapter the control software is divided in 3 parts:
1. Configuration Menu. In this section us ers define the system components like inputs, backgrounds, outputs and destinations.
See the detailed proc edure in section"Configuration Menu", page 194.
2. Programming Menu. In this page users create sources from inputs, drop layers and ba ckgrounds into screens and create Us er
keys and presets. See the detailed procedure in section "Programming Menu", page 199.
3. Multiviewer (MRV) M
enu is the module used to setup the Multiviewer outputs (on one or two monitors). See the detailed proce-
dure in s ection "Multiviewer (MRV) Menu", page 210.
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