6. GUI orientation
Output adjustment panel > Timing Menu
• Format: Selects the video format of the o utput configuration
from the drop menu. Th is is the same adjustment as in the
previous menu.
• H Total: Adjusts (in pixels) the total pixel c ount per line for
the selected output.
• H Front P orch: A djusts (in pixels) the offset between the
end of the o utput active area and the beginning of H sync.
• H Active: Adjusts (in pixels) the horizontal size of the output
active area.
• H Sync: Adjusts ( in pixels) the H sync width.
• H Polarity: A djusts the polarity (a ctive High or Low) of the
horizontal s ync pulse (N/A in SD I).
• V Total: Adjusts (in lines) the total line count per frame.
• V Front Porch: Adjusts (in lines) the offset between the end
of the output active area and the beginning of V sync.
• V Active: A djusts (in lines) the vertical size of the output
active area.
• V S ync: Adjusts (in lines) the V sync width.
• V P olarity: Adjusts the polarity (active High or Low) of the
vertical sync pulse (N/A in SDI).
• V Rate: Adjusts the frame rate in seconds polarity ( active
High or Low) of the vertical sync pulse (N/A in SDI).
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014