7. System Setup
7.10 Configuration Menu > Initial Setup
In this procedure, you will run the Eve nt Master Control So ftware, verify commu nication between the E 2 and the program to the local
network and perform basic s etup.
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Configuration Menu. For details on this menu, please refer to cha
pter "Configuration
Menu", page 76
1. Connect the PC running the Event M aster Control Software to the same local network switch that the E2 is connected to. Run the
Event M aster Control Software and the software should co nnect to E2 automatically. T he unit is listed in the System configuration
page under the Discovered tab with the button on turning gree n.
2. Drop the E2 from the dev ice area into the middle diagram area.
3. If multiple units are connected to the PC, the green LEDs n ext to the system w ill turn green. You can assign a unique nam e
to each unit. You can confirm that you are connected to the right unit b y clicking the arrow in front of E2 to reveal the un it’s IP
address. Verify that this address is the same as the address listed on the unit’s front panel on the top status menu.
Note: If the unit doesn’t connect automatically to the PC, you can type the PC’s IP address in the field under “Manual Connect”.
4. (Optional) Select E2’s native vertical refresh rate from the “Native Rate:” drop down menu. Default value is 60Hz.
5. (Optional) Select E2’s native layer mode from the “Mode:” drop down menu. Default value is2K ( HD).
6. (Optional) Se lect E2’s Genlock mode from “Genlock” drop down menu. Default value is OFF .
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014