NEC xen mail cti Inflatable Bouncy Toy User Manual

Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
74 – T A B L E • 2 Prompts and phrase names by prompt number
SL098 You have 6 new messages... SUBPH_YouHave1-10NewMessages
SL099 You have 7 new messages... SUBPH_YouHave1-10NewMessages
SL100 You have 8 new messages... SUBPH_YouHave1-10NewMessages
SL101 You have 9 new messages... SUBPH_YouHave1-10NewMessages
SL102 You have 10 new messages... SUBPH_YouHave1-10NewMessages
SL103 Would you like message options? PH_Sub_Ask_MessageOptions
SL104 Edit this message? PH_Sub_Ask_EditMsg
SL105 Send this to anyone else? PH_Sub_Ask_SendToAnyoneElse
SL106 To edit, enter 4; change special delivery, 5; address to
others, 6.
SL107 To add enter 1, listen, 2. PH_Sub_EditMsgYesNoMenu
SL108 To add, enter 4; listen, 5; rerecord, 6. PH_Sub_EditMsgMenuMenu
SL109 To exit, enter star. PH_Sub_ExitOrAskForName
SL110 Enter the first three letters of the person's last name. (Last
name directory) ? Enter the first three letters of the
person's person name. (First name directory)
SL111 Enter the extension or... PH_Sub_ExitOrAskForExt
SL112 Enter the extension number. PH_Sub_ExitOrAskForExt
SL113 PH_Chk_By
SL114 Message deleted. PH_Chk_MessageDeleted
SL115 Message archived. PH_Chk_MessageArchived
SL116 I'm sorry. You cannot reply to this message. PH_Chk_SorryCannotReply
SL117 Your message has been sent again. PH_Chk_MessageSentAgain
SL118 Edit this introduction? PH_Sub_Ask_EditIntro
SL119 I'm sorry. There is no previously recorded introduction to
listen to.
SL120 I'm sorry. There is no previously recorded message to
listen to.
SL121 To edit, enter 4; change special delivery, 5. PH_Sub_MsgHandlingRedirectMenu
SL122 your message box. PH_Chk_InYourMessageBox
SL123 Your reply has been sent. PH_Chk_YourReplyHasBeenSent
SL124 You have 1 saved message. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL125 You have 2 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL126 You have 3 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL127 You have 4 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL128 You have 5 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL129 You have 6 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
SL130 You have 7 saved messages. SUBPH_YouHave1-10SavedMessages
Prompt Prompt text by prompt number Phrase(s) containing prompt