NEC xen mail cti Inflatable Bouncy Toy User Manual

Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
Prompts by text T A B L E • 1 –37
Would you like to add members to this group list? GR034 PH_Group_LikeToAddMembers
Would you like to add members to this group? GR033 PH_Group_LikeToAddToThisGroup
Would you like to add one? SY040 PH_SysMgr_DoesNotHaveMailbox
Would you like to be listed in the directory, so that outside
callers may reach you just by knowing your name? Enter 1
for Yes or 2 for No.
SS008 PH_Sub_LikeIncludedInDirectory
Would you like to be transfered to the operator? SC009 PH_Spr_GotoOperator
Would you like to cancel this message? SR006 PH_Leave_WouldYouLiketoCancel
Would you like to change a mailbox? SY061 PH_SysMgr_ChangeBox
Would you like to change another mailbox? SY076 PH_SysMgr_ChangeAnotherBox
Would you like to change call transfer? SP062 PH_Sub_LikeToChangeTransfer
Would you like to change it? SP014 PH_Dlv_LikeToChange
Would you like to change it? SY010 PH_SysMgr_OperatorBoxIs
Would you like to change message delivery to your work
DS001 PH_Dlv_LikeToChangeWorkPhone
Would you like to change schedule 1, interval A? SY056 PH_SysMgr_LikeToChangeScheduleX
Would you like to change schedule 1, interval B? SY057 PH_SysMgr_LikeToChangeScheduleX
Would you like to change schedule 1, interval C? SY058 PH_SysMgr_LikeToChangeScheduleX
Would you like to change schedule 1? SY055 PH_SysMgr_LikeToChangeSchedule
Would you like to change special delivery for this
SD006 PH_Spdl_LikeToChangeSpecial
Would you like to change the current phone number? SP010 PH_Sub_LikeToChangePhoneNumber
Would you like to change the greetings for... SY084 PH_SysMgr_ChangeBoxGreetings
Would you like to change the name of this group? GR035 PH_Group_LikeToChangeName
Would you like to change the opening greetings? SY062 PH_SysMgr_ChangeGreeting
Would you like to change the operator mailbox? SY064 PH_SysMgr_ChangeOperator
Would you like to change the system schedule? SY063 PH_SysMgr_ChangeSchedule
Would you like to change them? SP047 PH_Sub_WouldYouLikeToChange
Would you like to change this? GR038 PH_Group_LikeToChangeThis
Would you like to change to alternate greeting mode? SY023 PH_SysMgr_SystemIsIn
Would you like to change to immediate delivery? SD029 PH_Spdl_ChangeToImmediate
Would you like to change your delivery options? SP015 PH_Sub_LikeToChangeDelivery
Would you like to change your directory listing status? SP048 PH_Sub_LikeToChangeDirStatus
Would you like to change your greetings? SP006 PH_Sub_LikeToChangeGreetings
Would you like to change your groups? GR039 PH_Sub_LikeToChangeGroups
Prompts by text Prompt Phrases containing prompt