NEC xen mail cti Inflatable Bouncy Toy User Manual

Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
12 – T A B L E • 1 Prompts by text
Enter the first three letters of your last name. (Last name
directory)Enter the first three letters of your first name.
(First name directory)
SP043 PH_Sub_EnterFirst3Letters
Enter the month of the year as a number from 1 to 12
where January is 1 and so on.
DS015 PH_Spdl_EnterMonth
Enter the new clock time to the minute. SY054 PH_SysMgr_EnterNewClockTime
Enter the new days active by pressIndicate the new days
active by entering 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, and so on.
DS010 PH_Dlv_EnterActiveDays
Enter the number of the fax extension. SY004 PH_SysMgr_EnterFaxExtension
Enter the starting time to the minute. DS012 PH_Dlv_EnterStartTime
Enter the time to the minute. DS011 PH_Spdl_EnterTime
Enter the year as a four-digit number. DS021 (Not used in current version.)
Enter the year as a four-digit number. SY048 PH_SysMgr_EnterYear
Error during a fax. FM044 (Not used in current version.)
Error receiving a fax. FM043 (Not used in current version.)
Extension... DR012 PH_Dir_NameOrExt
Extension... SP031 PH_Chk_Extension
Extension... SY031 PH_SysMgr_ExtensionX
Fax archived. FM049 PH_FaxCk_FaxSavedAsOld
Fax arrived... FM038 PH_FaxCk_ArrivedAt
Fax attempted... FM039 PH_FaxCk_AttemptedAt
Fax calls are answered in the order received. FB017 PH_Fax_YouAreInLine
Fax deleted. FM078 PH_FaxCk_FaxDeleted
Fax for... FB001 PH_Fax_Greet
Fax notification for the operator's mailbox is currently... SY007 PH_SysMgr_AnnounceIsOffOrOn
Fax saved as new. FM029 PH_FaxCk_FaxSavedAsNew
Faxes. (Trailing) FM013 PH_FaxCk_IncludingFaxes
February DT009 SUBPH_Month
fifteenth... DT057 SUBPH_DayOfMonth
fifth... DT047 SUBPH_DayOfMonth
first... DT043 SUBPH_DayOfMonth
For a different fax machine... FM076 PH_FaxCk_EnterPhoneNum
For a.m., enter 1. For p.m., enter 2. DT035 PH_Dlv_1ForAm2ForPm
For greetings, enter 4; groups, 5; transfer or delivery, 6;
personal options, 7.
ME009 PH_Opt_ForGreetingsEnter4
For groups at... NT036 PH_Net_Lv_AskForExtOrGrpAtNode
Prompts by text Prompt Phrases containing prompt