NEC xen mail cti Inflatable Bouncy Toy User Manual

Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
30 – T A B L E • 1 Prompts by text
thirtieth... DT072 SUBPH_DayOfMonth
thirty-first... DT073 SUBPH_DayOfMonth
This delivery schedule is incomplete. DS018 PH_Dlv_ScheduleIncomplete
This directory will help you find a person's extension by
their department.
DR008 PH_Dir_ThisDirWill
This does not appear to be a fax machine. FM063 PH_FaxCk_NotFaxMachine
This fax cannot be delivered, since no phone number has
been specified.
FM027 PH_FaxCk_NoPhoneAtAll
This fax has already been delivered. FM041 PH_FaxCk_AlreadyDelivered
This fax has never been delivered. FM050 PH_FaxCk_FaxNeverDelivered
This fax has never been delivered. Would you still like to
delete it?
FM079 PH_Chk_FaxNeverDeliveredDelete
This fax is already being delivered. FM040 PH_FaxCk_DeliveryInProgress
This greeting is currently in use. Would you like to try
SP071 PH_Leave_GreetingInUse
This group has no members. GR036 PH_Group_NoMembers
This is a message for... SL011 PH_Chk_FirstNextMessageFor
This is software version... SY013 PH_SysMgr_VersionNumber
This is the voicemail system calling with a message for... SL017 PH_Box_HelloIHaveACallFor
This mailbox cannot be deleted now. Please try again later. SY037 PH_SysMgr_MailboxCantBeDeleted
This mailbox cannot be reset now. Please try again later. SY027 PH_SysMgr_MailboxCantBeReset
This message cannot be redirected. FM074 PH_FaxCk_NoRedirect
This message cannot be redirected. SD011 PH_Spdl_NoRedirect
This message cannot be redirected. SL025 (Not used in current version.)
This message has been returned because... NT017 PH_Chk_FirstNextMessageReturned
This message has no special delivery. SD001 PH_Spdl_NoSpecialDelivery
This message... SR028 PH_Spdl_UrgentPrivateMessage
This option is not available. Please see your system
manager if you need more information.
GL020 PH_Sub_ThisOptionIsNotAvailable
This person hasn't heard your last message, which is... SR005 (Not used in current version.)
This person hasn't heard your last message. SR029 PH_Leave_PersonHasNotHeardLast
This person is already a member. GR001 PH_Group_ThisPersonIsAMember
This phone does not ring to tell you when you have a fax. FM006 PH_Dlv_PhoneNotifiesForFax
This phone rings to tell you when you have a fax. FM005 PH_Dlv_PhoneNotifiesForFax
This private message... SD025 PH_Spdl_UrgentPrivateMessage
This urgent message... SD024 PH_Spdl_UrgentPrivateMessage
This urgent private message... SD026 PH_Spdl_UrgentPrivateMessage
Thursday (leading) DT039 SUBPH_Days
Prompts by text Prompt Phrases containing prompt