NEC xen mail cti Inflatable Bouncy Toy User Manual

Xen Mail CTI Conversation Guide
Doc. No. 8558 - Release 1.0
June 2004
Prompts by text T A B L E • 1 –23
Please enter your security code now. SP078 PH_Sub_ChooseACodeWillNotForget
Please hold on while I try that extension. MB009 PH_Xfer_HoldOn
Please hold on while I try the fax machine. Remember,
press the start button when you hear the tone.
MB020 PH_Xfer_HoldOn
Please hold while I page ... MB024 PH_Box_PleaseWaitForPage
Please pickup... MB025 PH_Box_PleasePickup
Please reenter your new security code to confirm it. SP025 PH_Sub_EnterSecurityCode
Please repeat the extension number. SC007 PH_Spr_DidNotRecRepeat
Please say the command "add to," "listen," or "rerecord. "SC015 (Not used in current version.)
Please say the command "extension," "operator," or
"SC017 PH_Spr_OpenLineHelp
Please say the extension number again. SC004 PH_Spr_InvalidExtension
Please say the extension number of the person you are
trying to reach.
SC002 PH_Spr_SayExtension
Please see your system manager if you need more
information about why this fax couldn't be received.
FM057 PH_FaxCk_SysFailedReceiving
Please select your type of edit by saying the command
"add to," "listen," or "rerecord.
"SC016 PH_Box_FirstEditMenu
Please state what it's about. FB002 (Not used in current version.)
Please state what this fax is about. FB003 PH_Fax_Annotate
Please state who should receive this fax and what it's
MB019 PH_Fax_AnnotatePublic
Please try again later. GL024 PH_Sub_CantAccessSetupOptions
Please wait while I transfer you to the pager service. MB031 PH_Box_TransferToPagerService
Prerecorded... SD027 PH_Chk_PrerecordedAt
Press pause to continue pausing or resume to continue
IN002 PH_OAI_PlayPause
Private group created. Ready to add the first member to
this group.
GR021 PH_Group_Created
Ready to play and record. SY085 PH_SysMgr_LocalConnectReady
Recorded... SL018 PH_Chk_RecordedAt
Recording paused. SR014 PH_Rec_RecordingPaused
Recording. SR042 PH_Leave_RecordingthenBeep
Remember, 1 for Yes and 2 for No. SL002 PH_Sub_HelloOwner
Remember, for the main menu, enter star; to move back a
menu, enter pound.
ME018 PH_Sub_HelloOwner
Remember, you may enter 2 to add to your voice message,
or 3 to try another extension at any time.
FB021 PH_Fax_HoldOptions
Remember, you may enter 2 to continue with your
message, or 3 to try another extension at any time.
VC008 PH_Hold_HoldOptions
Prompts by text Prompt Phrases containing prompt