16 HMP Release 2.0 for Windows Software Installation Guide — December 2005
Installing the Software
7. Choose the Traps tab.
8. Enter Community Name:
Note: In the interest of enhanced security, administrators may want to choose a less
commonly used community string.
9. Click Add to List.
10. Under Trap Destinations, click Add and enter the IP address for each management node to
receive trap notifications from this managed node.
11. Choose the Security tab.
12. Highlight the community name you set in Step 8 and click Edit. Change Community Rights
13. Stop SNMP Service (if started) and restart.
14. Click OK.
15. Double click SNMP Trap Service.
16. Set Startup Type to “Automatic”.
17. Stop SNMP Trap Service (if started) and restart.
18. Click OK.
2.1.3 Checking TCP Port Availability
Before you install the software, you must make sure TCP ports 1719, 1720, 5060, 12002, 12003,
12004, 20000, and 20001 are available. These ports must be available for the HMP system to
function properly. To check, follow this procedure:
1. On your desktop, right click the My Network Places icon and select Properties. The Network
Connections window appears.
2. Right click Local Area Connection and select Properties. The Local Area Connection
Properties window appears.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the Properties button. The Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window appears.
4. Click the Advanced… button on the bottom right of this window. The Advanced TCP/IP
Settings window appears.
5. Select the Options tab, select TCP/IP filtering, and click the Properties button.