TV on Demand
About TV on Demand
TV on Demand
in the Home menu, you can watch TV
programmes you missed or watch your favourite programmes
whenever it suits you best.
Also, you can let TV on Demand do some personalised
recommendations of programmes, based on the TV installation
and the programmes you watch regularly.
To get these personalised recommendations, you must agree to
Personal Recommendations Consent
in the
Terms of
. If you already accepted the Terms of Use, make sure you
checked the tick box for Personal Recommendations Consent.
Before you agree, you can read the consent in detail.
TV on Demand is only available in selected countries. The
, will only appear in the top bar of the Home menu
when TV on Demand is available.
To agree to the Terms of Use and the Personal
Recommendations Consent, press the colour
and look up
Terms of Use, Apps
Request a Programme
On the first page of TV on Demand, just above the list of
programmes, you can select a category. You can also select a
specific broadcaster if more than one is available, select a list of
favourite programmes or select a specific day.
To select a Broadcaster…
1 - Click on Broadcaster.
2 - Click on the broadcaster you need.
3 - If you don't want to change anything, press
To request for a programme…
1 - With the Pointer, hover over the programme to read its title.
2 - Click on the icon to go to the TV on Demand service of the
broadcaster and read the info on the programme.
3 - Confirm your request.
4 - If necessary, make the online payment.
5 - Start watching. You can use the
(Play) and
(Pause) keys.