DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 71
Trace Route Command List
traceroute <ipaddr> {ttl <value 1-60>} {port <value 30000-64900>} {timeout <sec 1-65535>}
{probe <value 1-9>}
traceroute6 <ipv6addr> {ttl <value 1-60> | port <value 30000-64900> | timeout <sec 1-65535> |
probe <value 1-9>}
71-1 traceroute
This command is used to trace the routed path between the Switch and a destination end station.
traceroute <ipaddr> {ttl <value 1-60> | port <value 30000-64900> | timeout <sec 1-65535> |
probe <value 1-9>}
<ipaddr> - Specify the IP address of the destination end station.
ttl - (Optional) The time to live value of the trace route request. This is the maximum number of
routers that a trace route packet can pass. The traceroute command will cross while seeking
the network path between two devices. The range for the TTL is 1 to 60 hops.
<value 1-60> - Enter the time to live value here. This value must be between 1 and 60.
port - (Optional) The port number. The value range is from 30000 to 64900.
<value 30000-64900> - Enter the port number here. This value must be between 30000 and
timeout - (Optional) Defines the timeout period while waiting for a response from the remote
device. A value of 1 to 65535 seconds can be specified. The default is 5 seconds.
<sec 1-65535> - Enter the timeout period value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds.
probe - (Optional) The number of probing. The range is from 1 to 9. If unspecified, the default
value is 1.
<value 1-9> - Enter the probing number value here. This value must be between 1 and 9.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
Trace the routed path between the Switch and