DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
<sec 5-3600> - Enter the notification interval value here. This value must be between 5 and
3600 seconds.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To changes the notification interval to 10 second:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config lldp notification_interval 10
Command: config lldp notification_interval 10
37-5 config lldp ports
This command is used to configure each port for sending a notification to configure the SNMP trap
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] [notification [enable | disable] | admin_status [tx_only |
rx_only | tx_and_rx | disable] | mgt_addr [ipv4 <ipaddr> | ipv6 <ipv6addr>] [enable | disable]
| basic_tlvs [{all} | {port_description | system_name | system_description |
system_capabilities}] [enable | disable] | dot1_tlv_pvid [enable| disable] |
dot1_tlv_protocol_vid [vlan [all | <vlan_name 32> ] | vlanid <vidlist> ][enable | disable] |
dot1_tlv_vlan_name [vlan [all | <vlan_name 32> ] | vlanid <vidlist> ] [enable | disable] |
dot1_tlv_protocol_identity [all | {eapol | lacp | gvrp | stp }][enable | disable] | dot3_tlvs [{all} |
{mac_phy_configuration_status | link_aggregation |
power_via_mdi|maximum_frame_size}][enable | disable]]
<portlist> - Enter a list of ports used for the configuration here.
all - Specify that all the ports will be used for this configuration.
notification - Enables or disables the SNMP trap notification of LLDP data changes detected on
advertisements received from neighbor devices. The default notification state is disabled.
enable - Specify that the SNMP trap notification of LLDP data changes detected will be
disable - Specify that the SNMP trap notification of LLDP data changes detected will be
admin_status - Specify the per-port transmit and receive modes.
tx_only - Configure the specified port(s) to transmit LLDP packets, but block inbound LLDP
packets from neighbor devices.
rx_only - Configure the specified port(s) to receive LLDP packets from neighbors, but block
outbound packets to neighbors.
tx_and_rx - Configure the specified port(s) to both transmit and receive LLDP packets.
disable - Disable LLDP packet transmit and receive on the specified port(s).