DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
annual - Set the Daylight Saving Time to annual mode.
s_date, e_date - (Optional) Configure the start /end date of Daylight Saving Time.
<start_date 1-31> - Enter the starting date of Daylight Saving Time here. This range must
be between 1 an 31.
<end_date 1-31> - Enter the ending date of Daylight Saving Time here. This range must
be between 1 an 31.
s_mth, e_mth - (Optional) Configure the start /end month number of Daylight Saving Time.
<start_mth 1-12> - Enter the starting month number of Daylight Saving Time here. This
value must be between 1 and 12.
<end_mth 1-12> - Enter the ending month number of Daylight Saving Time here. This
value must be between 1 and 12.
s_time, e_time - (Optional) Configure the start /end time of Daylight Saving Time.
<start_time hh:mm> - Enter the starting time of Daylight Saving Time here. This value
must be in the hh:mm format.
<end_time hh:mm> - Enter the starting time of Daylight Saving Time here. This value
must be in the hh:mm format.
offset - (Optional) Indicates number of minutes to add or to subtract during summertime. The
ranges of offset are 30, 60, 90,120; default value is 60.
30 - Specify that the offset range will 30 minutes.
60 - Specify that the offset range will 60 minutes.
90 - Specify that the offset range will 90 minutes.
120 - Specify that the offset range will 120 minutes.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
To configure time:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time
15:00 e_week
2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30
Command: config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2
_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30
70-8 show time
This command is used to display time states.
show time