DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
disconnect_method is set to deny_low_priority_port, then the power provision can utilize
the system’s maximum power.
legacy_pd - Configure legacy PDs detection status, enable for support, if set to disable, can’t
detect legacy PDs signal.
enable - Specify that the legacy PDs detection status will be enabled.
disable - Specify that the legacy PDs detection status will be disabled.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To config PoE system-wise was setting:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config poe system power_limit 150 power_disconnect_method
Command: config poe system power_limit 150 power_disconnect_method
53-2 config poe ports
This command is used to configure the PoE port settings.
Based on 802.3af, there are 5 kinds of PD classes, class 0, class 1, class 2, and class 3. The
power consumption ranges for them are 0.44~12.95W, 0.44~3.84W, 3.84~6.49W, 6.49~12.95W,
and 12.95~ 29.5W, respectively.
The five pre-defined settings are for users’ convenience: The following is the power limit applied to
the port for these four classes. For each class, the power limit is a little more than the power
consumption range for the class. This takes the factor of the power loss on cable into account.
Thus, the following are the typical values defined by the chip vendor.
Class 0: 15400mW
Class 1: 4000mW
Class 2: 7000mW
Clase 3: 15400mW
Other than these four pre-defined settings, users can directly specify any value that the chip
supported, Normally, the minimum setting is 1000mW, and the maximum setting is 15400mW for
802.3af and >=35000mW for 802.3at.
config poe ports [all | <portlist>] { state [enable | disable] | [time_range <range_name 32> |
clear_time_range] | priority [critical | high | low] | power_limit [class_0 | class_1 | class_2 |
class_3 | user_define <value 1000-35000>]}