DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 63
Simple Network
Management Protocol
(SNMP) Command List
create snmp community <community_string 32> view <view_name 32> [read_only | read_write]
delete snmp community <community_string 32>
show snmp community {<community_string 32>}
create snmp user <user_name 32> <groupname 32> {encrypted [by_password auth [md5
<auth_password 8-16> | sha <auth_password 8-20>] priv [none | des <priv_password 8-16>] |
by_key auth [md5 <auth_key 32-32> | sha <auth_key 40-40>] priv [none | des <priv_key 32-
delete snmp user <username 32>
show snmp user
create snmp group <groupname 32> [v1 | v2c | v3 [noauth_nopriv | auth_nopriv | auth_priv]]
{read_view <view_name 32> | write_view <view_name 32> | notify_view <view_name 32>}
delete snmp group <groupname 32>
show snmp groups
create snmp view <view_name 32> <oid> view_type [included | excluded]
delete snmp view <view_name 32> [all | <oid>]
show snmp view {<view_name 32>}
create snmp host <ipaddr>[v1|v2c|v3[noauth_nopriv|auth_nopriv|auth_priv]]<auth_string32>
delete snmp host <ipaddr>
show snmp host {<ipaddr>}
config snmp engineID <snmp_engineID 10-64>
show snmp engineID
enable snmp
disable snmp
config snmp system_name {<sw_name>}
config snmp system_location {<sw_location>}
config snmp system_contact {<sw_contact>}
enable snmp traps
disable snmp traps
enable snmp authenticate_traps
disable snmp authenticate_traps
enable snmp linkchange_traps
disable snmp linkchange_traps
config snmp linkchange_traps ports [all | <portlist>] [enable | disable]
config snmp coldstart_traps [enable | disable]
config snmp warmstart_traps [enable | disable]
show snmp traps {linkchange_traps {ports <portlist>}}
config rmon trap {rising_alarm [enable | disable] | falling_alarm [enable | disable]} (1)
show rmon
63-1 create snmp community
This command is used to create an SNMP community string.
Use an SNMP community string to define the relationship between the SNMP manager and the
agent. The community string acts like a password to permit access to the agent on the Switch. You
can specify one or more of the following characteristics associated with the string: