DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 49
OAM Commands
config ethernet_oam ports [<portlist> | all ] [mode [active | passive] | state [enable | disable] |
link_monitor [error_symbol {threshold <range 0-4294967295> | window <millisecond 1000-
60000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) | error_frame {threshold <range 0-4294967295> |
window <millisecond 1000-60000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) | error_frame_seconds
{threshold <range 1-900> | window <millisecond 10000-900000> | notify_state [enable |
disable]}(1) | error_frame_period {threshold <range 0-4294967295> | window <number
148810-100000000> | notify_state [enable | disable]}(1) ]| critical_link_event [dying_gasp |
critical_event] notify_state [enable | disable] | remote_loopback [start | stop] |
received_remote_loopback [process | ignore]]
show ethernet_oam ports {<portlist>} [status | configuration | statistics | event_log {index
clear ethernet_oam ports [<portlist> | all] [event_log | statistics]
49-1 config ethernet_oam ports
This command is used to configure Ethernet OAM. The parameter to configure port Ethernet OAM
mode operates in active or passive mode. The following two actions are allowed by ports in active
mode, but disallowed by ports in passive mode: Initiate OAM discovery and start or stop remote
loopback. Note that when a port is OAM-enabled, changing the OAM mode will cause the OAM
discovery to be re-started.
The command used to enable or disable port’s Ethernet OAM function. The parameter enabling a
port’s OAM will cause the port to start OAM discovery. If a port’s is active, it initiates the discovery.
Otherwise it reacts to the discovery received from peer. Disabling a port’s OAM will cause the port
to send out a dying gasp event to peers and then disconnect the established OAM link.
The link monitoring parameter is used to configure port Ethernet OAM link monitoring error
symbols. The link monitoring function provides a mechanism to detect and indicate link faults
under a variety of conditions. OAM monitors the statistics on the number of frame errors as well as
the number of coding symbol errors. When the number of symbol errors is equal to or greater than
the specified threshold in a period and the event notification state is enabled, it generates an error
symbol period event to notify the remote OAM peer. The Ethernet OAM link monitoring error
frames parameter provides a mechanism to detect and indicate link faults under a variety of
conditions. OAM monitors the counter on the number of frame errors as well as the number of
coding symbol errors. When the number of frame errors is equal to or greater than the specified
threshold in a period and the event notification state is enabled, it generates an error frame event
to notify the remote OAM peer.
The link event parameter configures the capability of the Ethernet OAM critical link event. If the
capability for an event is disabled, the port will never send out the corresponding critical link event.
The command is used to configure the client to process or to ignore the received Ethernet OAM
remote loopback command. In remote loopback mode, all user traffic will not be processed.
Ignoring the received remote loopback command will prevent the port from entering remote
loopback mode.