DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
<portlist> - Enter the list of port to be configured here.
untag_source_port - Specify the source port or range of source ports as untagged members of
the multicast VLAN. The PVID of the untagged source port is automatically changed to the
multicast VLAN. Source ports must be either tagged or untagged for any single multicast
VLAN, i.e. both types cannot be members of the same multicast VLAN.
<portlist> - Enter the list of port to be configured here.
tag_member_port - Specify the port or range of ports that will become tagged members of the
multicast VLAN.
<portlist> - Enter the list of port to be configured here.
state - Used to specify if the multicast VLAN for a chosen VLAN should be enabled or disabled.
enable - Specify to enable the multicast VLAN for a chosen VLAN.
disable - Specify to disable the multicast VLAN for a chosen VLAN.
replace_source_ip - Before forwarding the report packet sent by the host, the source IP address
in the join packet must be replaced by this IP address. If is specified, the source IP
address will not be replaced.
<ipaddr> - Enter the replace source IP address here.
remap_priority - The remap priority value to be associated with the data traffic to be forwarded
on the multicast VLAN. If none is specified, the packet’s original priority is used. The default
setting is none.
<value 0-7> - Enter the remap priority value here. This value must be between 0 and 7.
none - Specify that the remap priority value will be set to none.
replace_priority - (Optional) Specify that the packet priority will be changed to the
remap_priority, but only if remap_priority is set.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To configure an IGMP snooping multicast VLAN with the name “v1”, make ports 1 and 3 members
of the VLAN, and set the state to enable:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan mv1 add member_port
1,3 state enable
Command: config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan mv1 add member_port 1,3 state
45-3 create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan_group_profile
This command is used to create an IGMP snooping multicast group profile on the Switch.
create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan_group_profile <profile_name 1-32>
<profile_name 1-32> - Enter the multicast VLAN group profile name here. The name can be up