DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
These DSCP mapping will take effect at the same time when IP packet ingress from a DSCP-
trusted port.
config dscp map {[<portlist> | all]} [dscp_priority <dscp_list> to <priority 0-7> | dscp_dscp
<dscp_list> to <dscp 0-63> | dscp_color <dscp_list> to [green | red | yellow]]
<portlist> - Enter the list of port used for this configuration here.
all - Specify that all the ports will be included in this configuration.
dscp_priority - Specify a list of DSCP value to be mapped to a specific priority.
<dscp_list> - Enter the DSCP priority list here.
to - Specify that the above or following parameter will be mapped to the previously mentioned
<priority 0-7> - Specify the result priority of mapping.
dscp_dscp - Specify a list of DSCP value to be mapped to a specific DSCP.
<dscp_list> - Enter the DSCP to DSCP list here.
to - Specify that the above or following parameter will be mapped to the previously mentioned
<dscp 0-63> - Specify the result DSCP of mapping.
dscp_color - Specify a list of DSCP value to be mapped to a specific color.
<dscp_list> - Enter the DSCP to color list here.
to - Specify that the above or following parameter will be mapped to the previously mentioned
green - Specify the result color of mapping to be green.
red - Specify the result color of mapping to be red.
yellow - Specify the result color of mapping to be yellow.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To configure the mapping of the DSCP priority to priority 1:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config dscp map 1-8 dscp_priority 1 to 1
Command: config dscp map 1-8 dscp_priority 1 to 1
To configure the global mapping of the DSCP priority to priority 1:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config dscp map dscp_priority 1 to 1
Command: config dscp map dscp_priority 1 to 1