DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
55-2 config dot1v_protocol_group add protocol
This command is used to add a protocol to a protocol group. The selection of a protocol can be a
pre-defined protocol type or a user defined protocol.
config dot1v_protocol_group [group_id <id> | group_name <name 32>] [add protocol
[ethernet_2 | ieee802.3_snap | ieee802.3_llc] <protocol_value> | delete protocol [ethernet_2 |
ieee802.3_snap | ieee802.3_llc] <protocol_value>]
group_id - The ID of the protocol group which is used to identify a set of protocols.
<id> - Enter the group ID used here.
group_name - The name of the protocol group.
<name 32> - Enter the group name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
add - Specify that the protocol will be added to the specified group.
delete - Specify that the protocol will be removed from the specified group.
protocol - The protocol value is used to identify a protocol of the frame type specified.
ethernet_2 - Specify that the Ethernet 2 protocol will be used.
ieee802.3_snap - Specify that the IEEE 802.3 Snap protocol will be used.
ieee802.3_llc - Specify that the IEEE 802.3 LLC protocol will be used.
<protocol_value> - Enter the protocol value here.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To add a protocol ipv6 to protocol group 10:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#config dot1v_protocol_group group_id 10 add protocol
ethernet_2 86dd
Command: config dot1v_protocol_group group_id 10 add protocol ethernet_2 86DD
55-3 delete dot1v_protocol_group
This command is used to delete a protocol group
delete dot1v_protocol_group [group_id <id> | group_name <name 32> | all]