DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 4
802.1X Command List
enable 802.1x
disable 802.1x
create 802.1x user <username 15>
delete 802.1x user <username 15>
show 802.1x user
config 802.1x auth_protocol [local | radius_eap]
config 802.1x fwd_pdu system [enable | disable]
config 802.1x fwd_pdu ports [<portlist> | all] [enable | disable]
config 802.1x authorization attributes radius [enable | disable]
show 802.1x {[auth_state | auth_configuration] ports {<portlist>}}
config 802.1x capability ports [<portlist> | all] [authenticator | none]
config 802.1x max_users [<value 1–448> | no_limit]
config 802.1x auth_parameter ports [<portlist> | all] [default | {direction [both | in] | port_control
[force_unauth | auto | force_auth] | quiet_period <sec 0-65535> | tx_period <sec 1-65535> |
supp_timeout <sec 1-65535> | server_timeout <sec 1-65535> | max_req <value 1-10> |
reauth_period <sec 1-65535> | max_users [<value 1-448> | no_limit] | enable_reauth [enable
| disable]}(1)]
config 802.1x auth_mode [port_based | mac_based]
config 802.1x init [port_based ports [<portlist> | all] | mac_based ports [<portlist> | all]
{mac_address <macaddr>}]
config 802.1x reauth [port_based ports [<portlist> | all] | mac_based ports [<portlist> | all]
{mac_address <macaddr>}]
create 802.1x guest_vlan {<vlan_name 32>}
delete 802.1x guest_vlan {<vlan_name 32>}
config 802.1x guest_vlan ports [<portlist> | all] state [enable | disable]
show 802.1x guest_vlan
config radius add <server_index 1-3> <server_ip> key <password 32> [default | {auth_port
<udp_port_number 1-65535 > | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535 > | timeout <sec 1-
255> | retransmit <int 1-20>}]
config radius delete <server_index 1-3>
config radius <server_index 1-3> {ipaddress <server_ip> | key <password 32> | auth_port
[<udp_port_number 1-65535> | default] | acct_port [<udp_port_number 1-65535 > | default ] |
timeout [<sec 1-255> | default] | retransmit [<int 1-20> | default]}
show radius
show auth_statistics {ports <portlist>}
show auth_diagnostics {ports <portlist>}
show auth_session_statistics {ports <portlist>}
show auth_client
show acct_client
config accounting service [network | shell | system] state [enable | disable]
show accounting service
4-1 enable 802.1x
This command is used to enable the 802.1X function.
enable 802.1x