DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
unblocked RPL port and start to send R-APS PDU with an RB flag after the link recovery is
confirmed within this period of time.
Revertive mode- When revertive is enabled, the traffic link is restored to the working transport link.
When revertive is disabled, the traffic link is allowed to use the RPL, after recovering from a failure.
When both the global state and the specified ring ERPS state are enabled, the specified ring will
be activated. STP and LBD should be disabled on the ring ports before the specified ring is
The ring cannot be enabled before the R-APS VLAN is created, and ring ports, RPL port, RPL
owner, are configured. Note that these parameters cannot be changed when the ring is activated.
In order to guarantee correct operation, the following integrity will be checked when the ring is
enabled and the global ERPS state is enabled.
1. R-APS VLAN is created.
2. The Ring port is the tagged member port of the R-APS VLAN.
3. The RPL port is specified if RPL owner is enabled.
config erps raps_vlan <vlanid> [state [enable | disable] | ring_mel <value 0-7> | ring_port
[west <port> | east <port> ] | rpl_port [west | east | none] | rpl_owner [enable | disable] |
protected_vlan [add | delete] vlanid <vidlist> | revertive [enable | disable] | timer
{holdoff_time <millisecond 0 - 10000> | guard_time <millisecond 10 - 2000> | wtr_time <min
5 - 12>}]
<vlanid> - Enter the R-APS VLAN ID used.
state - Specify to enable or disable the specified ring.
enable - Enable the state of the specified ring.
disable - Disable the state of the specified ring. The default value is disabled.
ring_mel - Specify the ring MEL of the R-APS function. The default ring MEL is 1.
<value 0-7> - Enter the ring MEL value here. This value should be between 0 and 7.
ring_port - Specify the ring port used.
west - Specify the port as the west ring port.
<port> - Enter the port number here.
east - Specify the port as the east ring port.
<port> - Enter the port number here.
rpl_port - Specify the RPL port used.
west - Specify the west ring port as the RPL port.
east - Specify the east ring port as the RPL port.
none - No RPL port on this node. By default, the node has no RPL port.
rpl_owner - Specify to enable or disable the RPL owner node.
enable - Specify the device as an RPL owner node.
disable - This node is not an RPL owner. By default, the RPS owner is disabled.
protected_vlan - Specify to add or delete the protected VLAN group.
add - Add VLANs to the protected VLAN group.
delete - Delete VLANs from the protected VLAN group.
vlanid - Specify the VLAN ID to be removed or added.
<vidlist> - Enter the VLAN ID list here.
revertive - Specify the state of the R-APS revertive option.
enable - Specify that the R-APS revertive option will be enabled.