DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
<vlanid_list> - Enter the VLAN ID list here.
<ipv6addr> - Specify the multicast group IP address.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To delete an MLD snooping static group for VLAN 1, group FF1E::1:
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#delete mld_snooping static_group vlan default FF1E::1
Command: delete mld_snooping static_group vlan default FF1E::1
30-36 config mld_snooping static_group
This command is used to configure an MLD snooping multicast group static member port. When a
port is configured as a static member port, the MLD protocol will not operate on this port. For
example, suppose that a port is a dynamic member port learned by MLD. If this port is configured
as a static member later, then the MLD protocol will stop operating on this port. The MLD protocol
will resume once this port is removed from static member ports.
config mld_snooping static_group [vlan <vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vlanid_list>] <ipv6addr>
[add | delete] <portlist>
vlan - Specify the name of the VLAN on which the static group resides.
<vlan_name 32> - Enter the VLAN name here. The VLAN name can be up to 32 characters
vlanid - Specify the ID of the VLAN on which the static group resides.
<vlanid_list> - Enter the VLAN ID list here.
<ipv6addr> - Specify the multicast group IPv6 address.
add - Specify to add the member ports.
delete - Specify to delete the member ports.
<portlist> - Specify a range of ports to be configured.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To unset port range 9-10 from MLD snooping static member ports for group FF1E::1 on default