DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 3
802.1Q VLAN Command List
create vlan <vlan_name 32> tag <vlanid 2-4094> {type 1q_vlan advertisement}
create vlan vlanid <vidlist> {advertisement}
delete vlan <vlan_name 32>
delete vlan vlanid <vidlist>
config vlan <vlan_name 32> {[add [tagged | untagged | forbidden] | delete] <portlist> |
advertisement [enable | disable]}(1)
config vlan vlanid <vidlist> {[add [tagged | untagged | forbidden] | delete] <portlist> |
advertisement [enable | disable] | name <vlan_name 32>}(1)
config port_vlan [<portlist> | all] {gvrp_state [enable | disable] | ingress_checking [enable |
disable] | acceptable_frame [tagged_only | admit_all] | pvid <vlanid 1-4094>}(1)
show vlan {<vlan_name 32>}
show vlan ports {<portlist>}
show vlan vlanid <vidlist>
show port_vlan {<portlist>}
enable pvid auto_assign
disable pvid auto_assign
show pvid auto_assign
config gvrp [timer {join < value 100-100000> | leave < value 100-100000> | leaveall <value 100-
100000>} | nni_bpdu_addr [dot1d | dot1ad]]
show gvrp
enable gvrp
disable gvrp
3-1 create vlan
This command is used to create a VLAN on the Switch. The VLAN ID must be always specified for
creating a VLAN.
create vlan <vlan_name 32> tag <vlanid 2-4094> {type 1q_vlan advertisement}
vlan - The name of the VLAN to be created.
<vlan_name 32> - Enter the VLAN name here. The VLAN name can be up to 32 characters
tag - The VLAN ID of the VLAN to be created.
<vlanid 2-4094> - Enter the VLAN ID here. The VLAN ID value must be between 2 and 4094.
type 1q_vlan advertisement - (Optional) Specify the VLAN type used is based on the 802.1Q
standard and being able to be advertised out.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.